In Luxembourg more than 200,000 jobs are carried out by frontaliers, accounting for about 44% of the total workforce.
1 in 9 trains experience delays in Luxembourg.
The Chamber of Employees found that after 45 minutes of commuting, 58% of employees expressed dissatisfaction with their jobs.
This figure rises to 80% when commute times exceed one hour.
Long commuting times are associated with higher probability of depression.
In the EU, the average one-way commuting time for workers was 25 minutes in 2019.
The average commuting time for Luxembourg residents is 32 minutes while cross-border workers spend 1 hour on average.
Luxembourg had more than 30 million train passengers in 2024.
In 2020 Luxembourg became the first country to provide free public transport.
Studies estimate a 6.5% reduction in road transport emissions as a result of this policy.
Active commuting has been associated with improved psychological well-being.
An agreeable commuting can help reducing stress and anxiety compared to driving.
The End